firefox 64bit vs 32bit

2015年10月14日 - I noticed that Foxfire is 32bit, I have a 64 bit system, does this make a difference and if so how do I get a version of Foxfire for 64bit system ...

相關軟體 Firefox 64-bit 下載

Firefox 是由Mozilla推出的一款開放原始碼的瀏覽器,致力於提升全民的網路體驗,帶給你更多、更新奇的瀏覽經驗,靈活的個人化設定,讓你打造你專屬獨一無二的瀏覽器。提共超過70種多國語言方便你使用,並且他還是免費! 新增分享鍵,直接在工具列上提供了分享鍵,按下該鍵就能把正在瀏覽的內容透過社交網站分享。 ...

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  • 2015年10月14日 - I noticed that Foxfire is 32bit, I have a 64 bit system, does this make a d...
    32 vs 64 bit | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support
  • 2015年10月14日 - Firefox, not Foxfire. 64-bit Windows can run 32-bit applications like Firef...
    32 vs 64 bit | Firefox 技術支援討論區| Mozilla 技術支援 - Mozilla Support
  • 2015年10月14日 - I noticed that Foxfire is 32bit, I have a 64 bit system, does this make a d...
    32 vs 64 bit | Форум поддержки Firefox | Поддержка Mozilla
  • Are there any noticeable/measureable performance increases in 64-bit Nightly (or Waterfox,...
    browser - Are there any performance differences between 32-bit vs 64-bit Firefox? - Super ...
  • If you are looking to download Firefox 64 bit, then this is the right place to start. But ...
    Firefox 32 bit (x86) vs. Firefox 64 bit (x64)
  • Just swiched to 64bit of Firefox and noticed that it uses less ram than 32bit version, wei...
    Firefox 32 bit vs 64 bit : firefox - Reddit
  • Firefox 32-bit vs. 64-bit Screenshots News Firefox 64-bit - version 53.0b5 (Beta 5) is rel...
    Firefox 43.0 32-bit vs. Firefox 43.0 64-bit
  • 2016年7月22日 - By default, on Windows, Firefox is a 32-bit application. This means that it ...
    Firefox 64-bit for Windows can take advantage of more memory ...
  • Firefox 4.0 System Requirements Windows Operating Systems Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows ...
    Firefox — 4.0 System Requirements — Mozilla
  • Note: Mozilla plans to automatically switch users from 32-bit Firefox to 64-bit Firefox, o...
    How to switch from 32-bit to 64-bit Firefox | Firefox 說明 - Mozilla Support
  • Besides, if you're on a 64-bit system, 32 bit version might need to load ... Been usin...
    Is having a 64-bit version of Firefox better? : firefox - Reddit
  • As an example, the Norse Attack Map was a guaranteed way for me to need to terminate the F...
    Is there any advantages of using Firefox 64bit over 32bit? : firefox
  • Many people have been waiting for an official 64-bit version of Mozilla Firefox for quite ...
    Mozilla Firefox 64-bit Performance Compared to 32-bit • Raymond.CC
  • Solved: I noticed that Foxfire is 32bit, I have a 64 bit system, does this make a differen...
    Solved: 32 vs 64 bit - Mozilla Support Community
  • I'm not a developer, I'm a hardware/ OS guy so I'm sure my question will get m...
    Solved: I have windows 7 with 64 bit. Does Firefox use 64 ... - Mozilla Support Community
  • Waterfox is a high performance browser based on the Mozilla platform. The ethical and fast...
    Waterfox - Official Site
  • 2017年1月26日 - I just used Help | About Firefox to update. i was running a 64-bit version o...
    Why did the recent update switch from 64-bit to 32-bit on a 64-bit ...
  • I'm using Firefox 3.6 (32-bit version) on Windows 7 x64 Home Professional. I wonder wh...
    windows - Firefox x86 (32-bit) vs. Firefox x64 (64-bit) - Super User
  • 究竟這個 64 bit 版本是否如 Google 所說的一樣提升到效能?我們下載了 64 bit 的 Chrome 37 ... 32bit 版本 Chrome 64bit 版本 ...
    【專題】Chrome 64 bit VS 32 bit 徹底測試!令人驚歎的 64 Bit 威力!